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Anyone can mix sparkling wine and strawberries. We do 50/50, mixing wheat beer with a strawberry flavour. The result: WEIZEN & ERDBEERE, the refreshing beer-mix drink from OETTINGER. Low alcohol content, twice the fruity flavour. Naturally cloudy and a fruity red colour – you won't leave a drop in the glass. Totally refreshing. 0% PRETENTIOUS. A beer-mix drink is sure to taste great if it looks as good as this


Food in a bottle. We brew OETTINGER malt beer as a bottom-fermented draught beer with a characteristic dark colour and a typical fresh malty taste. We ensure that the tank is at a low temperature when we add the yeast. As maltose cannot ferment at this temperature, it does not produce any alcohol. And the small proportion of hops brings out the slight sweetness of this beer. 0% LACKLUSTRE. 100% fit

Фруктовое пиво с Лимонным соком. Пиво представлено на немецком рынке.


Лучшая светлая пшеница и ячменный солод из местного региона комбинированные с дрожжами, имеющими неповторяющиеся ароматические ноты, отличающие всё пшеничное пиво Дистельхойзер. Тонкий аромат гвоздики и банана характерный для пива верхового брожения. 

Ароматное солодовое, с полным вкусом - эксклюзивное крепкое пиво Хофбройский майбок, впервые сваренный в 1614 году, считается старейшим боком Мюнхена. С тех пор каждую весну варят это традиционное крепкое пиво. В последнюю апрельскую неделю, как раз в канун мая, в Хойфбройхаус на улице Плацль традиционно откупоривают бочку майбока, что является событием общественного масштаба. Хофбройский майбок крепостью 7,2% об. имеет янтарный цвет, кремовую фактурно-белую пену и своеобразный эфирный аромат в букете. Его вкус очень насыщенный, ароматно-солодовый с шелковисто-мягким хмелевым послевкусием. Апогей пивного года! Гастрономическая сочетаемость: колбаса и сыр, жаркое, ножка, гуляш и сладкие блюда

Октоберфест это праздник праздников. Крупнейшее в мире народное торжество может быть только в пивной метрополии, Мюнхене. Миллионы гостей со всех уголков планеты ежегодно погружаются в эту уникальную атмосферу. По этому случаю Hofbräu München варит особенно вкусное пиво, которое лучше всего пить на пару с традиционной баварской кухней. Отличаясь крепостью в 6,3% и изящным вкусом с горчинкой, Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier так же неповторимо, как и сам Октоберфест. Тип: светлое праздничное пиво низового брожения

Единственное, специально сваренное пиво от пивоварни Augustiner, для фестиваля пива Octoberfest в Мюнхене.

Double Dutch? Not for our master brewers. OETTINGER Pilsner lager has a rather tangy taste, typical for this style of beer – rather like a pilsner lager then! 0% EXTRA. Typically traditional. Beer brewed in the pilsner lager style is bottom-fermented. It has a slightly more strongly hop-flavour and might therefore be a little tangier than other types of Vollbier, what Germans call "full beer". Perhaps that's why it's also Germany's most popular kind of beer. And our best-selling product

Why wander off to far-flung places......when you can drink export beer at home just as well? Our bottom-fermented export beer is full-bodied with a strong depth of flavour, produced by the ingredients we have generously added. Strictly controlled, naturally. Even our forefathers exported beer. They brewed it with a higher malt content to ensure that it could be preserved on their travels without the need for cooling. 0% RISK. 100% suitable for transport. We beer brewers have always been ultra-inventive

Looking for a different style of beer to try? Some beers taste too bitter for some people. Our OETTINGER Gold is a mild beer with a golden yellow hue and a pleasant hoppy flavour. Spot-on and 0% BITTER. Sooner or later, everyone will come over to our way of thinking!

When heading down to our cellar store ... what do we find? The hearty spicy taste that you would expect from a cask-conditioned German Vollbier. Simply authentically earthy. Originally Kellerbier (literally "cellar beer"), also known as Zwickelbier from the German for sampling cock, ("Zwickel" in German), was in fact only the sample that master brewers took from the cask before fermentation to check the quality and taste of the fermentation brew. Today KELLERBIER is one of OETTINGER's popular speciality beers. 0% BORING. 100% foam beard

"In March the brewer..." as we sing the praises of our master brewers in spring. Our OETTINGER Urtyp is a special, amber-coloured export beer, bottom-fermented according to tradition. The aromatic malty flavour makes it a particularly palatable beer. 0% RUSH. Any beer allowed to ferment for a long time is sure to taste really good

Not for calorie-counters: OETTINGER Bock beer is our very best heavy 'stout' beer, velvety-smooth and aromatic – 0% LIGHT, but with a full-bodied flavour. According to legend, a few monks were looking for something tasty to keep their spirits up during Lent. They sent the Pope a cask of Bock beer to obtain his permission. On the long journey, the beer became spoiled and acidic. The Pope tried the brew, which tasted of atonement. Mercifully, he let the monks have their will. And the moral of the story: It's a sin NOT to drink our Bock beer

It's finally 5 o'clock. That's what our master brewers had in mind when they invented the recipe for OETTINGER Leicht. It is perfect for that glorious after-work feeling. A finely aromatic draught beer with less alcohol and fewer calories – there's 0% HEAVINESS about it, yet it still pulls a full-bodied punch. Also cuts a sharp figure on the bar.

According to a German proverb, "Beer makes thirst a wonderful thing". And it's even better if alcohol or calories are immaterial in quenching your thirst. OETTINGER alcohol-free beer is an off-dry draught beer with a low calorie content. Well chilled, it is guaranteed to quench your thirst with its full flavour and reliable foamy head. Discerning enjoyment of beer. 0% PEER PRESSURE

When the wheat beer’s fresh and cool, gone in an instant as a rule! Naturally cloudy OETTINGER wheat beer is a top-fermented beer, in the production of which wheat malt is used alongside barley malt. It is especially refreshing with a slightly higher carbon dioxide content. And because wheat beer is drunk from tall, slender glasses, the carbon dioxide has enough time to rise to the top. An ingenious tactic for keeping your beer tasting fresher for longer. And, as with all unfiltered beers, the mild yeast flavour is perfectly preserved alongside the typical cloudiness of the wheat beer. Honest brewing craft, 0% VANITY

Something's brewing here. OETTINGER dark wheat beer is a fresh and exciting wheat beer. It is bottled unfiltered, hence the natural delicate flavour of the yeast. A little basic knowledge for newcomers: when pouring, leave the last quarter in the bottle to start with and swirl the bottle around a couple of times. Then top up your wheat beer glass once the yeast that has settled on the bottom has come loose. This gives the beer its characteristic cloudiness and typical taste

Strong beer: Our OETTINGER 'crystal' wheat beer is top-fermented and is as bright and pure as only a crystal can be. Serve it chilled but not ice cold – 7 to 8 degrees Celsius being the order of the day. Hold your glass at an angle when pouring to produce an impressive frothy head. Our crystal-clear wheat beer has a lively, carefree character. It's great for drinking with friends, often topped with a slice of lemon. 0% OUTSIDER. Right in the heart of things

OETTINGER light wheat beer is a draught wheat beer, therefore has less alcohol and fewer calories. It is naturally cloudy, thereby retaining the positive ingredients found in yeast. Speaking of which ... it's only the light wheat beer bottle that ends up "full". 0% LETHARGIC. 100% beer enjoyment

OETTINGER alcohol-free wheat beer is one of OETTINGER's sporting aces. Fewer calories, alcohol-free and isotonic. 0% HEAVINESS for maximum performance and fast recovery. Poured properly into a glass, it reveals its sparkling fresh character – just like our typical wheat beer

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